CSS3 Cheat Sheet ↓
CSS2 Visual Cheat Sheet ↓
CSS Cheat Sheet (V2) ↓
Css Property Index ↓
BluePrint CSS ↓
HTML 5 Cheat Sheet ↓
HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet ↓
HTML5 Glossary ↓
HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet ↓
Color Codes Matching Chart HTML (Convert CMYK, RGB Hex) ↓
JavaScript Cheat Sheet ↓
Javascript DOM ↓
JavaScript Reference Card ↓
jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet ↓
jQuery selectors ↓
jQuery 1.3.2 ↓
jQuery 1.3 ↓
jQuery 1.2 ↓
Mootools 1.2 Cheat Sheet ↓
Prototype Cheat Sheet ↓
PHP & MySQL for dummies ↓
PHP 5 Online Cheat Sheet v1.3 ↓
PHP5 Cheat sheet ↓
PHP Manual Quick Reference ↓
Printable PHP Security Checklist ↓
PHP Functions to work with MySQL ↓
MySQL Cheat Sheet ↓
Handy Cheat Sheet of MySQL Commands ↓
HTML Colors Cheat Sheet ↓
RGB Hex Colour Chart ↓
Web Safe Color Chart ↓
The Browser-Safe Colors ↓
Megapixels Chart (and print size) ↓
Points to pixels conversion ↓
Web Safe Fonts v2 (including Google API) ↓
25-point Website Usability Checklist ↓
Webdesign for dummies ↓
The Web Developer’s SEO Cheat Sheet ↓
SEO for dummies ↓
Will the browser apply the rule(s)? ↓
When can I use? Compatibility tables (html5, css3 + +) ↓
WordPress Help Sheet ↓
The Advanced WordPress Help Sheet ↓
WordPress Theme Development Checklist ↓
WordPress Template Tags ↓
WordPress Optimization Cheat Sheet ↓
SEO for WordPress ↓
Drupal 7: The database ↓
Drupal 6 API Cheat Sheet ↓
Drupal for dummies ↓
Joomla 1.5 Basic Template Cheat Sheet ↓
Joomla for dummies ↓
ActionScript 3.0 ↓
Adobe Flex3 ↓
Adobe Air Cheat Sheet ↓
Adobe Acrobat 9 Shortcuts ↓
Adobe Acrobat 8 Quick Reference ↓
Adobe Flash CS5 & Flash Catalyst for dummies ↓
Adobe Flash CS4 Shortcuts ↓
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 – all in one for dummies ↓
Dreamweaver CS4 shortcuts ↓
DreamWeaver CS3 Reference Card ↓
Adobe Fireworks CS3 Quick Reference ↓
Adobe After Effects CS4 Cheat Sheet ↓
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Shortcuts ↓
Adobe Photoshop CS5 – all in one for dummies ↓
Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts ↓
Photoshop Elements8 For Dummies ↓
Adobe Lightroom 2.0 Shortcuts ↓
Adobe Indesign CS5 for dummies ↓
Adobe InDesign CS4 Tools and shortcuts ↓
GIMP Quick reference ↓
Apple Final Cut Pro 5 ↓
QuarkXpress 8 ↓
3DS max 9 ↓
Blender for dummies ↓
AutoCAD 2011 for dummies ↓
Google Sketchup 7 for dummies ↓ for dummies ↓
Office 2010 – all in one for dummies ↓
Browsers & OS
Mozilla Firefox Cheat Sheet ↓
Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts ↓
Internet Explorer 8 – quick reference card ↓
Windows 7 Cheat Sheet ↓
Windows Alt Codes ↓
Ultimate Switcher Guide: PC to MAC ↓
Mac OS X Keyboard Cheat Sheet ↓
Mac OS X Leopard – 200 productivity boosters ↓
Macs All-in-one for dummies ↓
Linux for dummies ↓
Ubuntu reference ↓
Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet ↓
Python Cheat Sheet ↓
ASP/VBScript Cheat Sheet ↓ ↓
Regular Expression Cheat Sheet (.NET) ↓
Core C# and .NET Quick Reference ↓
960 Grid System Cheat Sheet ↓
Firebug Cheat Sheet ↓
Tcp Ports List ↓
VOIP Basics ↓
VI (Linux Terminal) Cheat sheet ↓
Mathematica Keyboard Shortcuts ↓
Country Codes – quick reference ↓
User Centred Design ↓
The Social Landscape (social media) ↓
希望你能够从上面列出的 100 多个速查手册和参考指南中找到有用的资料。
匿名 2012 年 8 月 5 日 来个补充的,一站搞定,哈哈