据国外媒体报道,科技博客网站 Pocket-lint 援引一名 “可靠消息人士” 的话报道称,Facebook 在尝试收购浏览器开发厂商 Opera Software(以下简称 “Opera”),这可能是 Facebook 考虑推出浏览器的一个信号。
Like in the previous article, you’ll find a video as well as the source code to download at the end of the article.
This article is the second part of this one: Windows 8 HTML5 Metro Style App: How to create a small RSS reader in 30min (part 1/2)
Starting from scratch, we’re going to learn through these 2 tutorials how to build a small RSS reader with HTML5, CSS3 and WinJS, the Microsoft JavaScript framework for Windows 8 Metro Style Apps. We’ll try also to follow the Metro design guidelines by usingExpression Blend 5. If everything goes fine, you should be able to follow these 2 articles in 30 minutes.
This first article will help you to create the welcome screen that will use a WinJS ListView control. This control will display all the blog posts recently published via nice thumbnails. The 2nd one will work on the detail view displayed when you’ll click on one of the items. At last, you’ll find a video at the end of this article playing in real-time the following steps as well as the final solution to download. See them as useful complementary resources if you need to clarify some parts of this article.
HTML5 梦工场的【HTML5 Code Jam】广东区第二期火热开始了,新的两天一夜,会产生什么大作出来呢?请大家密切关注我们的博客,我们将全程直播整个 CodeJam 过程!
目前来看应用价值不大,更多的是扩展一些思路,扩大前端方向,或者说是 js 能做的事的范围。大家路过围观一下就好。
源码不多,托管在 github/hongru/fluid 上,感兴趣的可以大致看一看。
HTML5 SIP 客户端是一款开源的,完全利用 JavaScript 编写的集社交 (FaceBook,Twitter,Google+),在线游戏,电子商务等应用于一体。无扩展,无插件或是必备的网关,视频堆栈技术依赖于 WebRTC。如同主页里的 Demo 视频演示,你可以轻松实现 Chrome 和 IOS/Android 移动设备之间的实时视频/音频通话。该客户端是一项在浏览器中可被用来连接任意 SIP 或者 IMS 网络进行拨打和接收音频/视频通话及即时信息技术。该协议解析器 (SIP,SDP...) 通过使用 Ragel 查找表进行了高度优化,很适合硬件(内存和运算能力)受限的嵌入式系统使用。 |
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